Friday, August 23, 2013

Reduce the load time of your website

The charging time of a website is a very important factor for SEO. The Google algorithm greatly values ​​the sites to load quickly, and more from the explosion in the use of smartphones, with bandwidths lower than fixed internet networks. This is a factor that must be taken into account in the planning of any web site project , if not you had in mind when designing yours in this post we will give tips and tools to improve it.

Calculate the loading speed of your site

Before thinking load slow the first thing to do is calculate the current speed, for which there are many online tools such as Google Page Speed ​​, which will tell us how fast our website and upload it give us suggestions to do it faster.

Before applying any changes that you suggest then we recommend you measure the speed of loading before and after it, so you can assess the improvement achieved by each.

Clean up your code and minimize it

The code of a Web page is not usually what most weight, but opens many times, so it better be clean and organized. Eliminates unnecessary annotations and shrink, the network has many tools to do so.

By the end Javascript code and slows your load

Try to place the Java in an external file, if you can not position him at the end of your code, and avoid that late show until the Java content is loaded. 
If you are using a CMS on the net there are plugins and extensions that will help to delay loading to display content such as Lazy Widget Loader for WordPress.

Reduces server requests

If your website does many that the slow down tremendously. 
You can find the number of requests made ​​by your site with the tool GTmetrix , tell you what makes it slower.

Compressed gZip

Gzip is a compression format that web browsers can read and load much faster, use it and the speed of your site will increase enormously.

Sets the cache of your site

A cache is a copy of the web pages that browsers saved on the hard drive of the computers of people who visit them to avoid having to re-apply all this information to the server the next time you access them.
Configuring the cache can help greatly reduce the load time repeat visitors, there are many tools that help mark expiration dates of the elements of your website.

Eliminates plugins and extensions that do not use

The catalog of extensions and plugins for CMS is enormous, and often make the mistake of installing a lot of them do not use and then load that slow our site, Eliminate the utilicéis not and see how it slows down your site.
Are you sure you can think of a lot of feedback about this topic, send us your tricks!

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